M. Dias Branco joins B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index for the third consecutive year

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ISE’s 18th theoretical portfolio gathers 70 stocks from 70 companies

For the third consecutive year, M. Dias Branco is selected to join the 18th portfolio of B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), which will be valid as of January 2023. The announcement was released today (28), with a new portfolio comprising 70 stocks from 70 companies.

National leader in pasta and crackers and cookies, M. Dias Branco owns brands such as Adria, Piraquê, Vitarella, Fortaleza, Richester, and Isabela, and recently made two major acquisitions to become the leader in healthy snacks: Jasmine Alimentos, a benchmark company in healthy food in Brazil, in 2022, and Fit Food, a company with a full portfolio combining flavor, healthiness, and convenience, in 2021.

“M. Dias Branco has sought to constantly evolve in environmental, social, and governance aspects. As an example, our 2030 Agenda, released this year, has public goals connected to the ESG pillars. Remaining in the ISE portfolio, for the third consecutive time, is an evidence of the Company’s evolution”, says Tiago Timbó, Communication, Culture and Sustainability manager at M. Dias Branco.