With each dream that springs, the world gains something new

A better world.

Our Strategic Sustainability Agenda was relaunched in March 2022 and includes goals to be achieved by 2030, covering 15 priority topics, based on three pillars representing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance):

Caring for the planet (Environmental)

Believing in People (Social)

Strengthen alliances (Governance)

Goals are focused on the themes: water, energy, climate change, sustainable packaging, relations with communities, human capital, diversity and inclusion.
Health and safety, healthy and nutritious food, and sustainable value chain are also part of the Company's priority sustainability themes.

The themes related to food safety, risks and opportunities in sustainability, governance, ethics and integrity, and combating food loss and waste were added and will be part of this strategy from now on.

Agenda setting process

In the process of setting the agenda (2022-2030), risk analysis, strategy analysis, benchmarking, and consultation with internal and external content was performed to identify global trends in the food sector and the main impacts of this sector.

Listening to stakeholders

We listen to investors, the surrounding community, employees, suppliers, clients, and consumers, among others, considering the influence of priority themes in their assessments and decisions. The identification of stakeholders was performed using the AA 1000 AccountAbility principles (2018) and AA1000 AccountAbility Stakeholder Engagement Standard (2015) methodologies. These methodologies excel in mapping based on aspects of dependence, responsibility, tension, influence and different perspectives in the relationship with stakeholders.

Sustainability Management

The Sustainability Agenda implementation enables to strengthen sustainable practices in the key dimensions of M. Dias Branco's business. Governance takes place through the effort of working groups (WGs), with their respective goals and indicators for each priority topic. In addition, there is reporting and monitoring in the following levels: Sustainability Committee, ESG Committee and Board of Directors. The Sustainability Policy is part of the governance of priority themes, and guides the Company's positioning.

Progress already achieved!

In the previous agenda (2013-2021), we have already achieved most of the goals. The current agenda (2022-2030) favors the management of environmental impacts, efficient use of natural resources, promotion of social development and the well-being of people and improvement of governance for sustainable development throughout our value chain.


Our dream comes true every day because it also fulfills many others. And this is only possible thanks to the commitments we have with society and the environment. Therefore, M. Dias Branco has public commitments related to sustainability. See them:

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Reporte 2023