Ethics, a commitment of all of us

Principles and values

The Code of Ethics is a publication that disseminates the principles and values of our Company, guiding the conduct of all employees and legal representatives. The document addresses 11 main topics, making explicit the pattern of behavior expected in the relationship with business partners, investors and consumers.


Compliance with laws is a requirement of all our activities.


The trust of our customers and consumers is our most valuable asset.


We care about the integrity, health and safety of our employees.


We adopt a transparent relationship with our investors.


We respect free competition.


We deal fairly with our suppliers.


M. Dias Branco’s interests prevail over our personal interests.


We treat our information professionally.


We respect the environment and the community around us.


We are responsible for the continuity of our business.


Consequences and Non-Retaliation.

The Company provides the Ethical Channel to its employees and any other stakeholders, with is a tool for receiving communications related to non-compliance with our Code of Ethics. Doubts, suggestions, criticisms or complaints related to the topics above are to be sent through the Ethics Channel. This is a free, confidential, outsourced service, accessible by phone, email, mailbox or website. It is worth mentioning that this channel ensures the anonymity of the caller, i.e., the identification is optional.
We have an Ethics Committee reporting directly to the Audit Committee, a body linked to the Board of Directors, to address the demands submitted through the Ethics Channel.

We have Policies in force detailing important points of our Code of Ethics.

Access our Policies, by clicking below:

We stick to the principles of our organizational identity, which represent the major driver of how we conduct our activities. Disseminating the corporate identity is a permanent commitment, as a way to ensure the engagement of all employees with the Company's higher purpose.

Anti-corruption policy

Policy on promotional gifts, gifts, entertainment and hospitality

Policy on transactions with related parties and other situations involving conflict of interest

Policy on donations and sponsorships

Internal investigation protocol and operation of the ethical channel

Policy on consequences

Policy for nomination of members to the board of directors, its committees and statutory board

Management compensation policy

Risk management policy

Purchase and supply policy

Supplier’s Code of Conduct

Our Code of Ethics


Questions related to our products shall be sent to Customer Service

M. Dias Branco Customer Service

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