...to the dream of a great industry

From the dream of a bakery...

Dream business

From a business dream to a dream business

With almost seven decades of operation, M. Dias Branco, which was born from a dream, has become the national leader in pasta and crackers and cookies, with the mission of feeding and inspiring people, turning dreams into reality.

This is the purpose that inspires us and makes us one of the largest food industries in Brazil and the world. We are present throughout the country with brands that are national pride, with a broad portfolio of products that are synonymous with flavor and quality.
We operate in the following segments: wheat and rice crackers and cookies; wheat and corn pasta; wheat flours and bran; cake mixes; margarines and vegetable shortenings; cakes; corn and wheat snacks; toasts; chocolate-iced cookies; peanut butter; spices and chocolates.
From our headquarters, located in Eusébio, in Ceará state, we have adopted a successful strategy of building and acquiring new industries. We have a modern production facilities, with state-of-the-art equipment, following the strictest quality standards in food production and operating with a vertical integration model, which allows the production of our most important raw materials.

A dream come true

From the dream of a Portuguese, an authentically Brazilian brand was born: M. Dias Branco!

See our video-manifest and learn about our essence:

Corporate Profile

We stick to the principles of our organizational identity, which represent the major driver of how we conduct our activities. Disseminating the corporate identity is a permanent commitment, as a way to ensure the engagement of all employees with the Company's higher purpose.

Our organizational identity is represented as follows:



To offer quality, innovative, healthy and tasty food with competitive prices, providing wellbeing and happiness to people.



To be a large food company in Brazil, with a global presence, diversified operations, sustainable growth and respect for our origins.



  • Simplicity Simplicity in relationships and in the search for practical solutions
  • Attitude to innovate and make it happen
  • Collaboration for business growth
  • Respect for people and the common good
  • Excellence in everything we do
  • Dream, do, grow

    Our History

    Our industrial units

    We have 15 plants or industrial complexes, 7 of which featuring wheat mill structures. In addition, we have 35 distribution centers strategically located in different states, allowing our brands to be present throughout the country, as well as supporting exports to more than 40 countries.

    We are a publicly-held company, with shares listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) since 2006, in Novo Mercado segment.

    We are associated with:

    M. Dias Branco Customer Service

    © All rights reserved – M. Dias Branco

    Unidade Eusébio/CE

    Fundada em 1953

    Endereço: BR 116 KM 18 – Jabuti, Eusébio/CE – CEP 61766-650
    Produz: Biscoitos, Massas, Torradas e Farinha e Farelo de Trigo
    Contato: (85) 4005-5500

    Unidade Salvador/BA

    Fundada em 2003

    Endereço: Rod. BA 528, Estrada da Base Naval, s/n, São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador/BA – CEP: 40.820-260
    Produz: Biscoitos, Massas, Misturas para Bolos e Farinha e Farelo de Trigo
    Contato: (71) 3413.7500

    Unidade Fortaleza/CE (Moinho)

    Fundada em 1992

    Endereço: Esplanada do Mucuripe, s/n, Pátio B1 – Mucuripe, Fortaleza/CE – CEP: 60.191-070
    Produz: Farinha e Farelo de Trigo
    Contato: (85) 4009-3599

    Unidade Fortaleza/CE (GME)

    Fundada em 2002

    Endereço: Rua José Setúbal Pessoa, 255 – Mucuripe, Fortaleza/CE – CEP: 60.180-560
    Produz: Gorduras e Margarinas Especiais (GME)
    Contato: (85) 3391.8200

    Unidade Maracanaú/CE

    Fundada em 1946

    Endereço: Av. Parque Oeste, 2101 – Distrito Industrial, Maracanaú/CE – CEP: 61.939-120
    Produz: Biscoitos, Massas, Bolos e Snacks
    Contato: (85) 4006-1511

    Unidade Natal/RN

    Fundada em 2000

    Endereço: Avenida Hildebrando Gois, 1/117 – Ribeira, Natal/RN – CEP: 59.010-700
    Produz: Farinha e Farelo de Trigo e Massas
    Contato: (84) 4008-2500

    Unidade Cabedelo/PB

    Fundada em 2005

    Endereço: Rua Conde Augusto Chiericartte, s/n – Centro, Cabedelo/PB – CEP: 58100-355
    Produz: Farinha e Farelo de Trigo e Massas
    Contato:(83) 4009-4800

    Unidade Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE

    Fundada em 1993

    Endereço: Rodovia BR 101 KM 84, 3170 – Prazeres, Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE – CEP: 54.345-160
    Produz: Biscoitos, Cobertos de Chocolate e Massas
    Contato: (81) 3205-4100

    Unidade São Caetano do Sul/SP

    Fundada em 1951

    Endereço: Rua São Francisco, 531 – Santo Antônio, São Caetano do Sul/SP – CEP: 09.530-050
    Produz: Massas
    Contato: (11) 3883-9100

    Unidade Lençóis Paulistas/SP

    Fundada em 1960

    Endereço: Avenida Brasil, 657 – Centro, Lençóis Paulista/SP – CEP: 18.682-901
    Produz: Biscoitos
    Contato: (14) 3269-4000

    Unidade Rolândia/PR

    Fundada em 2009

    Endereço: Rodovia BR 369 KM 178 – Gleba Três Bocas, Rolândia/PR – CEP: 86.600-970
    Produz: Farinha e Farelo de Trigo
    Contato: (85) 4005-5105

    Unidade Bento Gonçalves/RS

    Fundada em 1954

    Endereço: Rua Espírito Santo, 440, Santa Rita, Bento Gonçalves/RS – CEP: 95.700-656
    Produz: Biscoitos, Massas e Farinha e Farelo de Trigo
    Contato: (54) 2105-7300

    Unidade Rio de Janeiro/RJ

    Fundada em 1953

    Endereço: Rua Leopoldino de Oliveira, 335 – Turiaçu, Rio de Janeiro/RJ –CEP: 21.360-060
    Produz: Massas e Biscoitos
    Contato: (21) 2450-2363

    Unidade Queimados/RJ

    Fundada em 2016

    Endereço: Rua Minas Gerais, 1055 – Distrito Industrial, Queimados/RJ – CEP: 26.373-280
    Produz: Biscoitos e Snacks de Batata
    Contato:(21) 3374-0000

    Unidade São José dos Pinhais/PR

    Fundada em 2008

    Endereço: Endereço: Alameda Bom Pastor, 1816 - Ouro Fino, São José dos Pinhais - PR, 83015-140
    Produz: Temperos, Biscoitos de Arroz, Massas sem Glúten e Snacks
    Contato: (41) 3022-7273

    Unidade Rio de Janeiro/RJ (Gorduras Especiais)

    Fundada em 1987

    Endereço: Rua Monsenhor Inácio, 52, Turiaçu, Rio de Janeiro/RJ – CEP.: 21.540-270
    Produz: Óleo Vegetal e Gorduras Especiais
    Contato: (21) 2450-2363

    Unidade Campina Grande do Sul/PR

    Fundada em 1990

    Address: Av. Ricieri Nivanor Bernardi, 896, área 4D, Bloco 1 – Campo Fundo, Campina Grande do Sul/PR – CEP 83.430-000
    Produz: Granolas, Cookies e Biscoitos, Panificação sem Glúten e Beneficiamento de Grãos.
    Contato: 0800 701 8003

    Las Acacias Unit

    Founded in 1952

    Address: José Oxilia, 3121, Montevideo, Uruguay
    Produces: Dried Wheat Pasta and Durum Wheat Semolina Lines.
    Contact: (+5982) 2481 6464