Commitment to quality assurance


Our Integrated Management System is the pillar of sustainable development

Based on strict principles of ethics, eco-efficiency, sustainable development and continuous improvement, we establish and maintain an Integrated Management Policy (IMS) connected to our purpose. In addition, we seek the satisfaction of our shareholders, customers, consumers, employees and communities through the constant improvement of our quality standards, food safety, respect for the environment and safety and health conditions at work.

Short-term goals and long-term sustainability

We set the following objectives to guide our Integrated Management System:

Ensure the profitable growth with quality of life and social responsibility.

Ensure food safety conditions in all processes, products and services by promoting interactive communication between qualified suppliers, employees and customers.

Comply with and meet the quality standards required for its products, seeking customer and consumer satisfaction with more nutritious and healthy products.

Ensure compliance with applicable laws, standards and other requirements.

Protect the environment, preventing pollution by making sustainable use of resources, so as to mitigate its significant environmental impacts, prioritizing the reduction of solid waste generation, decrease of water and electricity consumption.

Preserve the physical integrity and health of the workforce, prioritizing the reduction of work accidents and occupational noise, providing safe and healthy working conditions, through the elimination of hazards and risk reduction.

Establish transparent communication with shareholders, customers, consumers, employees, suppliers, society and entities related to the company's activities, as well as encourage involvement with consultation and participation of employees in the Integrated Management System.

Provide adequate resources, develop and train employees, ensuring commitment to the objectives of management systems.

Continuously improve the Integrated Management System, its activities and the efficiency of processes, including technological innovations.

Maintain engagement with the community in the surroundings of the manufacturing units with sustainable projects through incentive laws, encourage our employees to volunteer, stimulate sports, product donations and relationships with leaders.

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